A tonkatsu restaurant
with the theme of “win.”



とんかつ かついち 大和店
“Katsuichi: Boosting people into high spirits” was the theme of this design. The people of Japan have always enjoyed superstitions. Even today, people get the subconscious urge to eat tonkatsu (“katsu” also having the meaning “to win”) before competitions. We covered the façade and walls with original latticework with a motif of Bishamonten, a god of victory.The place features latticework, plain wood, plaster, and other lavish elements of Japanese design to create a cheery, modern interior where everyone from families to women on their own can come and eat in comfort.
日本人は昔から験を担ぐことがすきだ。今でもここぞという時には自然と食べたくなる。 ファサードや壁面に用いている格子柄は勝負の神様の鎧の柄である毘沙門亀甲紋様をモチーフとし「かついち」のトレードマークになり得る紋様としてSCOREが考案したオリジナル紋様。和のデザイン要素をふんだんに使用しながらも”明るく” “現代的な店内” は家族連れでも女性一人でも心地よく食事ができる空間となっている。
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KATSUICHI Yamato Facade Design
KATSUICHI Yamato Large Table
KATSUICHI Yamato Lattice Wall
KATSUICHI Yamato Stone Wall
KATSUICHI Yamato Dining
KATSUICHI Yamato Outside Facade Design
Category : Restaurant
Location : Yamato Kanagawa/Japan
Area : 104.0㎡
Photo : Masato Chiba

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