The Four Seasons at a Karuizawa Resort

ALL DAY DINING LOUNGE/BAR Primrose Dining area
Karuizawa Prince Hotel West


プリムローズ ダイニングエリア 軽井沢プリンスホテル ウエスト
The Karuizawa Prince Hotel West was remodeled in order to provide it with even greater value. This restaurant was one element of the project, and with groups including families in mind, a large space capable of seating around 300 guests was planned. Our concept was one that would allow visitors to experience the richness of Karuizawa’s environment, culture, and history by using a concept of four seasons at a resort in the region. We designed each area of the space to have a theme: spring, summer, and autumn-winter, and gave each a distinct color scheme to reflect changes in season. We used materials reminiscent of the era when Karuizawa was originally developed, employing brick, Shinshu lumber, glass, and more. Light spills in gently from large windows, allowing the color of the sky into the room and letting guests experience comfort while being at one with nature in this resort restaurant.
軽井沢プリンスホテル ウエストは更なるバリューアップを目指し、大規模リニューアルを果たした。このレストランもその一環で、家族連れなどグループで訪れるゲストのために約300席もの大空間が計画された。 ゲストが軽井沢の豊かな自然や文化、歴史を体感できるよう「軽井沢リゾートの四季」をコンセプトにした。空間を【春】【夏】【秋冬】とテーマ分けし、エリアごとに異なるカラースキームを設定することで、四季の移ろいを表現している。素材は軽井沢開拓時代を想起させるレンガ、信州木材、ガラスなどを取り入れた。大きな窓から優しく差し込む光、刻々と変化する空の色が店内に影響し、自然と一体になれる心地よいリゾートレストランとした。
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Karuizawa Prince Hotel West ALL DAY DINING LOUNGE/BAR Primrose Terrace Area Dining
Karuizawa Prince Hotel West ALL DAY DINING LOUNGE/BAR Primrose Center Area
Karuizawa Prince Hotel West ALL DAY DINING LOUNGE/BAR Primrose Color Glass Artwork
Karuizawa Prince Hotel West ALL DAY DINING LOUNGE/BAR Primrose Pattern White Brick-wall
Karuizawa Prince Hotel West ALL DAY DINING LOUNGE/BAR Primrose Openwork partition made from antique wood
Category : Hotel / Restaurant
Location : Karuizawa Nagano / Japan
Area : 898.8㎡
Credits : KKS+ SCORE Inc.
Photo : Masato Chiba

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