An all-day dining restaurant
with a theme of “the four seasons at a Karuizawa resort.”

Karuizawa Prince Hotel West
ALL DAY DINING LOUNGE/BAR Primrose Private room


軽井沢プリンスホテル ウエスト プリムローズ 個室
Karuizawa has its own cultural history, and is surrounded by the riches of nature. The area originally became a resort destination in the Meiji period (1869-1912), and we used bricks and stained glass imported during that era extensively to create a space that clearly expressed Karuizawa’s identity.The expansive 25-meter open kitchen is vividly decorated with dishes of food made with local ingredients. The dining room seats 285 and is divided into three sections by an openwork partition made from antique wood and a glass partition. We designed each area to have a theme, spring, summer, and autumn-winter, and maintained a unified feel while giving each a distinct color theme to change the expansive space gradually.The wooden ceiling that extends from the window-side seats over the terrace seats was designed to muddle the border between outdoors and indoors and accentuate the natural surroundings. This ceiling was constructed out of larch, a tree that grows abundantly in the area.Private dining rooms are divided by lattice walls made from antique lumber, and when private rooms aren’t needed, the large door can be slid aside to create open seating. The pieces of art decorating the private dining rooms were made from a chestnut tree that was reluctantly felled for the project. The tree had watched over the area for more than a century, becoming a local landmark. A cross-section was coated into ink, and prints were made of its tree rings, turning it into original art, and letting it live on as a symbol that will continue to greet visitors.
軽井沢は文化歴史があり、豊かな自然に育まれている。軽井沢がリゾート地としてスタートした明治時代に日本に持ち込まれたレンガやカラーガラスを積極的に用い、軽井沢のアイデンティティーを強く感じられる空間を提案した。25m続く広いオープンキッチンには地場産の食材で調理された料理が彩り豊かに並ぶ。約300席ある空間は、開口のある古材木パーテーションとガラスパーテーションで緩やかに3つのエリアに分けられている。それぞれのエリアテーマを【春】【夏】【秋冬】とし、統一感を持たせながら緩やかにカラースキムが変化する大らかな空間となるよう計画した。窓際の席からテラス席に続く木天井は内外の境界を曖昧にし、自然を強く感じられるしつらえになっている。この木天井は軽井沢に多く自生するカラマツ材を採用した。 個室は古材木で作られた格子壁で仕切り、個室として利用しない場合は大きな扉を開いてオープンな席として利用することもできる。個室を彩るアート作品は、計画の為やむなく伐採された栗の木を使用した。この栗の木は100年以上もの間この地を見守ってきたシンボルツリーで、その年輪を版画の技法で刷ったオリジナルアートへ形を変え、これから先もお客様を出迎える象徴として計画した。
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Karuizawa Prince Hotel West ALL DAY DINING LOUNGE/BAR Primrose Private Room
Karuizawa Prince Hotel West ALL DAY DINING LOUNGE/BAR Primrose Louver Partition
Karuizawa Prince Hotel West ALL DAY DINING LOUNGE/BAR Primrose Louver Partition Detail
Karuizawa Prince Hotel West ALL DAY DINING LOUNGE/BAR Primrose Outdoor Seat
Karuizawa Prince Hotel West ALL DAY DINING LOUNGE/BAR Primrose Pivate Room Dinner
Karuizawa Prince Hotel West ALL DAY DINING LOUNGE/BAR Primrose Private Room Artwork
Category : Hotel / Restaurant
Location : Karuizawa Nagano / Japan
Area : 898.8㎡
Credits : KKS+ SCORE Inc.
Photo : Masato Chiba

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